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SoundingWild Experience

“Two brothers, avid explorers, naturalists, wildlife conservationists, artists, creative technologists, joining forces to share stories about the natural world and who is protecting it."

I had the pleasure to collaborate with Axel and Ario and help them in creating the first version of a VR application designed to bring their incredible content to the people. Sounding Wild VR is an application that runs on Oculus Quest 1+ immersively showcasing photos and videos of wild life capture with their own gear and patience.

The slide and scene changes are controlled via OSC by a Reaper instance that plays sounds that were recorded at the same time as the visual content with multipoint microphones and reproduced through multipoint speakers.

Sounding Wild is a relatively simple application but I had to put a lot of attention to synchronisation and seamless loading of slides as well as setting up methods to easily insert contents into the project, given that the project would then be used by non-senior Unity developers.

What I did

  • Software architecture
  • Initial Unity project
  • Basic user input and supervisor controls
  • OSC synchronisation
  • OSC server runnin on Oculus to trigger slide changes and other events
  • Programming
  • Git repository setup
  • Video player wrapper
  • Custom shaders for fade in/out
  • Template scriptable objects for the clients to add their own
  • Documentation
  • Handover of Unity project and repository
  • Initial maintenance and bug solving

Axel and Ario are greatly driven, incredibly prolific and professional. The quality of their content is over the top. I strongly recommend you follow them and their project at the following links:


Year: 2022/2023
Status: Deployed/Handed Over
Platform: Oculus Quest 1+
Engine: Unity 2021

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