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Snapchat Lenses

Snapchat lenses have been a trend! Try these fabulous ones and get your own! Snapchat’s built-in Augmented Reality created a new media sensation and became a great, innovative way to put brands and products out.

Get your own, custom Snapchat Lens!
Contact me to get a quote.

Use Snapchat to scan the codes below.

Snapchat-Lens-Retrowave Retrowave

That 80s feeling!! VHS glitches, synthesizers, grids, lasers and weird glasses.

Coding, 3D modelling, Music, Texturing

Steamy Snapchat Lens Steamy

When a little test goes out of control...

Coding, Sound FX, Texturing

Eyekandy Summer Fun Screenshot Summer Fun

Summer Fun was, at the time of release, the most interacctive, game-like Snapchat Lens. Thousands of bags were printed out with the Snap-code for Walmart clients. A very successful small creative project done for (and with) Eyekandy.

Client: Eyekandy.com, Walmart

Official Page

Coding, 3D modelling, Texturing, Sound FX

summerfun snapcode
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