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Research: mapping physical objects to digital functions: a tangible interface for Querying and Navigating a Multimedia Database


In this work we propose a set of guidelines for tangible interfaces (TUI) for mapping physical objects and digital functions. These guidelines emphasize an aspect that has been only partly analyzed so far in TUI research: the role of the object shape as a means for suggesting how to manipulate the artifacts. The peculiarity of the proposal - general enough to be used for different application domains - is the mapping to discrete and continuous digital functions

based on the type of surfaces that define the physical artifacts of the interface. The application of the guidelines to a widely diffused task, the query and navigation of a multimedia database, and its evaluation with a class of students gave us interesting insights about the appropriateness of the mapping and its learnability.

Publication Type

Conference Paper




DEXA 2011, 22nd International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, USA, p.134–138 (2011)




affordance, data query and navigation, discrete and continuous digital function, guideline, surface, tangible user interface (TUI)